
Sports Camp Volunteers Needed!

Last year would not have been such a great experience without the help of all our amazing volunteers and community members. We want to get our volunteer base together before opening registration to athletes around the last week of April. Below is the link to be a part of this fun and exciting opportunity to serve the kids in our community through sports! 

Spread the word if you know someone who may be interested in coaching a sport or helping in another area.

Sign up to serve at The Rock at Noonday

The church is committed to serve the first Sunday of each month from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sign-up sheet located at the First Stop table or in Small Groups classes.
Transportation will be provided. Meet at the church. 

Food and clothing donations are also being accepted.
Bring clothing donations to the trunk located at the north entrance. bring food donations to the cabinet located in the concourse area.